SEND and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Welcome to Calthwaite C of E Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page
Calthwaite C of E Primary is an inclusive school where every child is given the environment and resources to thrive. Mrs. Sarah Bulman, the SENDCo, has over 15 years experience. She works at Calthwaite C of E Primary on a Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have any concerns about any additional needs or your child's mental health and wellbeing please contact either the class teacher or Mrs. Sarah Bulman -
More information about Special Educational Needs in Westmorland and Furness can be found at the link below.
SEND Policies
More information about SEND at Calthwaite C of E Primary School can be found within these policies.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Calthwaite C of E Primary School we understand the impact difficulties with mental health can have on all areas of a child's development. The COVID pandemic has added new stresses to families and we promote a "My Voice Matters" approach to talking about mental health.